Monday, April 09, 2007

University Fine Arts Juried Show a No No

“Dear Combined Talents Applicant:

On behalf of the University Museum of Fine Arts, I would like to than you for entering the Combined Talents Competition. Due to the inherent nature of jurying by panel, and because of space limitations with any given exhibition, many fine works could not be included, and it is with regret that I inform you, your work was not selected for including in this year’s show.

This year 359 artists entered the competition creating a total of over 700 works for the jurors to consider. After much deliberation, the work of forty-eight artists was selected for exhibition (a total of 65 pieces). The jury panel consisted of two faculty members from the Visual Arts Department.

Each artist who entered the competition with receive a complimentary copy of the catalog which will be mailed in September. Thank you once again for your participation in the Combined Talents Competition. We hope that your interest will continue.

Sincerely yours,

Combined Talents Coordinator”


Blogger red-handed said...


While your visual-arts rejections share the same generic theme of don't-take-it-personally-it's-crowded-on-the-short-bus, at least they shine it up more with a veneer of long-winded politeness, as opposed to the tossed-off slaps that the literary-arts dishes out. And I bet they actually sign their letters, don't they?

Your cats are as convincing as tigers, stripes searing away. Don't be discouraged.

4/18/2007 11:28 AM  
Blogger Eero said...

You know what I really hate about these kinds of letters, in particular? They promise to send you the frikking catalog to the show you were rejected from! When I get the catalog in the mail, it's like a reminder of failure, or that they're rubbing it in my face! Urgh!

But I just keep going,
keep working,
keep painting,
keep applying.

As a result, I have a big show opening tomorrow night that I organized and curated......if I can't get into some shows, I'll just make some shows of my own! Ha!

Best of luck to you, fellow artist.

5/04/2007 12:30 AM  

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