Monday, November 14, 2005

Four for Monday...

First, a letter from a competition to have included in a university's permanent on-campus collection:
“Dear Suzanne,

Thank you for submitting sample of your work for our University’s 2005 Art on Campus Competition. Although we’re offering the awards to other artists, we want you to know that the Visual Arts Committee was very impressed by your work. We received substantially more submission than we anticipated, and the quality of the submissions was especially high this year. We encourage you to try again in future competitions. Our committee annually makes an effort to obtain both interior and exterior works for the campus. Please visit our website for current competitions.


Person in Charge”

One from a foundation where I sent a grant application to (my first grant application):
“Dear Artist,

On Behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for submitting your art/craft project to the foundation.

The members of the Board regret that they are unable to fund your project. A panel of judges gave serious consideration to the many worthy applications. They reported that choosing among the applications was particularly difficult because of the high quality of the projects submitted.


Form Letter Producer”

One from an exhibition proposal I sent to a Museum:
“Dear Suzanne,

Thank you for submitting your exhibition proposal to the Arts Council. As the primary arts center for our region, we receive a tremendous number of requests from artists to exhibit in our galleries. A select review panel reviews all applications under rigorous standards that must be balanced with our limited gallery space and exhibition calendar. The panel appreciates the presentation that you have provided us; however, your proposal was not selected.

Again, thank you very much for your interest in exhibiting your work at this museum.


The Curator”

And Finally, one from a commercial art gallery, hand written on my original cover letter to them:

Thank you for sending your very professional packet! We have such an unusual market and client base here. Unfortunately, we are not a match.

Best of luck in finding.

-Gallery Owner”

It should be noted that all four of these arrived today, and that on this same day I was also offered a second exhibition for February. Sometimes things just happen this way.


Blogger Richard said...

I love that first letter, it is so beautifully written, yet ... I can't help but wonder if it is just a standard rejection letter.

Congrats on getting a second exhibition! I hope it boosts your spirits, massages your ego and gives you the strength and courage to persevere.

11/19/2005 10:15 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Well, as it turns out it is indeed a form letter. A friend of mine also entered that competition and he recieved the same note back. So much for that special warm feeling. ;)

11/28/2005 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say I sympathize with you as I am an artist as well. I the word "no" way more often than "yes", but we know deep down inside that our art is worthy of some exhibition, so all of you who want to give up out there, take heart and perservere, because it will happen!
All the best,

11/19/2006 11:20 PM  

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